
Purchase Order Tracking Template



The Purchase Order Tracking Template enables you to keep track of the purchases you and your team have been authorized to spend.  The tracking template separates the purchase orders associated with Capital Expenditures (CapEx), Expenses, and Services.

Read on for an explanation of the column values in this worksheet:

PO # – The PO # represents the purchase order number.  Typically, a company will have a purchase order form that you will fill out to receive authorization.   That form will have a reference number which you can enter in this column as a cross reference for your records.

Issued To – Enter the company from which you wil be purchasing the equipment, software or service.

Description – Enter a few words that describes what you are purchasing.

PO Type – The purchase order type field lets you categorize the purchase order as CapEx, expenses, or services.

Project Code – The Project code column lets you identify which project the purchase is for.   This is a free form text field that allows you to enter a code associated with the project.

Date – Enter the date the purchase order was signed.

Amount – Enter the total amount of the purchase.