Salary Planning Template
Description The salary planning workbook helps you plan your department’s salary adjustments for the year. Typically, a company will give you a raise pool as
Description The salary planning workbook helps you plan your department’s salary adjustments for the year. Typically, a company will give you a raise pool as
Description The Resource Allcoation template is designed to communicate to your customers where your staff is spending their time. This provides an overview of how
Description The Purchase Order Tracking Template enables you to keep track of the purchases you and your team have been authorized to spend. The tracking
Description The Project Summary Template presents an overview of all the projects your department is working on, the business results associated with them, and the
Description The Budget Template workbook helps you plan all of your IT department’s expenses for a full calendar year. It is an excellent tool for
Description The Investment calculation spreadsheet is designed to assist you in determining if a project is finanacially feasible by walking you through the steps of
Description The Capital hardware tracking template is designed to help you track the financial implications of the computer hardware and software that your organization purchases. There
Description This policy acknowledges the fact that your users and coworkers demand the ability to check their corporate email wherever and whenever they want. This
Description The Appropriate Use of Social Media Policy provides language and procedures for how company employees should access and use social media web sites at
Description The Remote System Access Policy establishes rules and procedures for any employee, vendor or partner who is given remote access to the corporate computer